Garfield (2/21/22)
I enjoy winter backpacking. When I did a winter backpacking trip to the Bonds back in March 2020 (literally the day before the world went crazy from the COVID-19 pandemic), I enjoyed the peace and serenity of being by myself in the woods, although some of that might be selective memory comparing it to the pandemic craziness that came afterwards. When I did a winter backpacking trip to Owl's Head last year, I also enjoyed it, though I think that I prefer shelters over tents in the winter (and in the non-winter, for that matter). When this winter started, I wanted to make sure that I had at least one backpacking trip planned. At one point I had planned to combine Garfield with the Twins , but I quickly realized that was a bad idea. Instead, I decided to do Garfield as its own trip. I wanted to wait until February to do it so that I would have enough light. I didn't know it at the time, but that would prove to be a very wise choice. I let myself start a little later than normal, ...