Mt. Major (3/26/22)

This past week both Dragonfly and I celebrated our birthdays. As part of the celebration with friends and family, we decided to do a hike on Mt. Major. I don't know this for certain because it's seemingly impossible to find good records, but I would guess that Mt. Major is one of the five most popular hiking mountains in New Hampshire. I would guess that they are Mt. Monadnock, Mt. Chocorua, Mt. Washington, Mt. Major, and Mt. Lafayette in some order. Major is so popular that Dragonfly and I once drove by and counted a full mile of cars parked by the side of the road, and that's despite the fact that Major has a fairly large parking lot. Joining Dragonfly and I for our hike were Dragonfly's cousin, now known as Hummingbird, as well as Dragonfly's sister Sondra, brother-in-law Ben, and niece Amaya. We got there at 10:45 or so, so we couldn't find a spot in the lot, but we got road parking that was pretty close to the lot. Everyone had their own hiking equipment ex...