Mt Abram - Skiing (1/21/23)

I know this is a hiking blog, but sometimes I do other outdoor activities. Today I went skiing. Technically, I was supposed to go skiing with Dragonfly, but she had too much homework. Thus, it was just me. Dragonfly and I are planning to go skiing at Bretton Woods next month, and so I figured it was a good idea to get my skis back out, since I haven't been in several years. Truthfully, I wasn't sure how it would go. Things like getting on and off a lift aren't exactly the same as riding a bicycle, and they don't necessarily come back as quickly. Even the process of going down the mountain took some re-learning. I wanted to start with beginner trails, but the area I was skiing in didn't allow for that. You know what, though? I am getting ahead of myself. Let's back up. I drove up to Mt. Abram from Westbrook, and got there almost exactly when I wanted to, half an hour early. I was able to show my receipt for my online lift ticket purchase and get the actual lift t...