Avalon, Field, and Tom (2/20/23)

February break means hiking opportunities! The question was what to hike? The evening before my hike, I was scrolling though options, trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I thought about Washington or Franconia Ridge, my perennial favorites, but the weather conditions didn't look quite right for them. I considered North Kearsarge, but I wasn't sure that it was worth driving to New Hampshire for. I decided on Crawford Notch, as I hadn't hiked the Willey Range in five years. I got up at 5:30 AM and was on the road about an hour later. I stopped at Big Dave's Bagels in North Conway, and they were busier than I had ever seen them. I wasn't sure if I was running late, or if that was the result of stopping in on a weekday. I did get my bagel and continued on my way. I got to Crawford Notch and parked on the road near the train station. I decided against carrying snowshoes, and I got on trail about 8:40. On the road (trail) again... The trail itself was fantastic this...