
Hi there, and welcome to my hiking blog! My name is Hawk, and let me tell you a little about myself. I live in Maine, and I do most of my hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I started hiking seriously in 2017, and in the time since then I have hiked every 4000 foot mountain in New England, many of them multiple times. I have also hiked every mountain on New Hampshire's 52 With a View list (I actually ended up hiking 57 because they changed the list when I was halfway finished), as well as the entire Belknap Range and most of the Osceola range. Currently I am working on finishing up hiking all forty-eight 4000 foot mountains in New Hampshire in winter, a quest which I am four peaks away from finishing.

I have done quite a bit of backpacking over the past few years as well. My first backpacking experience was thru-hiking the Long Trail in Vermont, starting at the southern border and finishing up at the Canadian border in the north. That took me three weeks to do. Since then, I have thru-hiked the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway with my friend Red and thru-hiked the Hundred Mile Wilderness with my friend Crick. Red and I also attempted to thru-hike the Northville-Placed Trail in New York, but unfortunately that one didn't work out. I am also slowly working on section hiking the Appalachian Trail, but I'm not very far along on that so far.

I am always finding new hiking goals, so if you want to follow along on my adventures, please feel free to come back frequently to check on my progress. Until then, always remember that you can't take flight until you spread your wings!


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