Garfield and Galehead (10/9-10/21)
My very first backpacking trip, if you can call it that, was with my friend Sylvia all the way back in 2015. She took me on a trip to Lonesome Lake Hut in the White Mountains over Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend. I struggled. My thumb was broken at the time (a recurring theme for me), so I couldn't use poles. Sylvia had a pair of spikes for me, but they broke, so I tried to hike in the snow without any of the proper equipment. It was tough, and I totally wore myself out doing what I now know is a relatively easy hike, but I did make it. I had a great time, too. I enjoyed it so much that it became a tradition, and then I eventually branched out to doing other types of backpacking trips. Recently, the roles have kind of reversed. Sylvia has wanted to get into doing more modern, lightweight backpacking, and so sought out my help. Given how much she taught me about backpacking to begin with, I was more than happy to return the favor. I loaned her some equipment, gave her recommendat...